Discipline: Psychology

W8 seminarW8 seminar

find a journal article that collects data through surveys. Respond to the following inquiries: What is the topic being studied and what makes it appropriate for a survey method? What is being measured by the survey (e.g. attitude, opinion, feelings, etc.) What type of survey is used (e.g. self-administered questionnaires, interview,telephone, online, etc.)? Be specific with […]


  Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.

Developing an OutlineDeveloping an Outline

 An outline of your themes essentially serves as the outline for your literature review. Establishing the structure of your outline enables you to develop a line of reasoning that justifies your research problem. Your themes may have sub-themes or sub-topics, which serve to break your high-level themes in more comprehensible and discrete ideas. There are […]


This assignment requires you to read the directions Carefully. this is my week 3 assignment . I attached the week 3 instructions: Outline for Psychiatric Diagnosis. I attached a sample outline.  this assignment requires to create an outline using my week one Case Study. The Case of Shaylynn is attached. this assignment also requires to […]

Discussion 1 PICO 2nd attemptDiscussion 1 PICO 2nd attempt

 You must create a PICO Question related to psychiatric patients with the following template: What are the barriers to implementing x intervention for y patient/population? x- intervention chosen y- specific patient or population chosen. It must be JUICY and with enough support evidence-based info because it will be used in every discussion for this class. […]