Discipline: Psychology

TP Week 9 Discussion 2TP Week 9 Discussion 2

Beyond exploring or advancing a topic, class discussions reveal student learning and comprehension. How are these aspects of discussion facilitated in an online course? Consider how discussions differ in an in-person class versus online. In-person class discussions often progress spontaneously and the immediacy of a real-time discussion lends itself to less formality. In an online […]


 What type of funding streams does your site have (i.e., how do they bill or how are they reimbursed for services)? How has the funding source affected the clients at your site, such as clients being ineligible to receive services? 


Identify two examples of psychology in your life. Explain each example by using a psychological perspective (make sure to identify which perspective is being used for each example). Psychological perspectives include biological/genetic, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, sociocultural, humanistic, etc.  Do you think psychologists and mental health professionals are fully able to understand human behavior? Why or […]


https://www.ted.com/search?q=psychology Choose one video from a ted talk about psychology and write a 2 paragraph minimum summarizing about the talk, What was the most interesting, or new information, you extracted from the talk? 

TP Week 8 Discussion 2TP Week 8 Discussion 2

Over the course of your teaching career, you will come in contact with many students. Certainly, that contact has an impact on their lives. However, can you make a difference in the world beyond the influence your teaching has on individual students? How might your teaching contribute to social change? For this Discussion, review and […]

TP Week 8 DiscussionTP Week 8 Discussion

Many teaching positions require the applicant to submit a statement of teaching philosophy. This document needs to represent an accurate reflection of your beliefs and ideals relating to being an instructor. How do you want to portray yourself in that statement? Are you a tough teacher with strict standards? Or do you see yourself as […]