Discipline: Psychology


 Discuss your thoughts on the points made for Reasons to Go to Grad School and Reasons to Not Go to Grad School. In other words, which makes a more convincing argument and why? Be sure to discuss both points. 


resources Remley, T. P., & Herlihy, B. (2020). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 15, “Supervision and Consultation” 

Topics: Social Media And Mental Health Of AdolescentsTopics: Social Media And Mental Health Of Adolescents

Using the PSY-530 and PSY-550 Research Proposal assignments, submit a 500-750-word summary of your proposal. The summary must include the following: Part 1 (Introduction, Literature Review, and Research Questions/Hypotheses) Introduction: Title, description of what will be researched, an explanation of why the research is important to the field of psychology, and an explanation of how […]


M7 Q1 Nothing to fear but fear itself.  Which is worse, having too much fear or too little?  Why?  In your discussion, try to make reference to specific documented examples or other empirical research whenever possible. M7 Q2 Applying Theories of Emotion.  Think of an emotional experience you recently had.  Relate it to one or […]

CB Week 8 Two Student ResponseCB Week 8 Two Student Response

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts (on different days) in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Expand on a colleague’s posting. Offer polite disagreement and/or critique supported with evidence. Note: Your responses to colleagues should be substantial (1 paragraph or more for each component), supported with scholarly […]

The PICO QuestionThe PICO Question

You must create a PICO Question related to psychiatric patients with the following template: What are the barriers to implementing x intervention for y patient/population? x- intervention chosen y- specific patient or population chosen. It must be JUICY and with enough support evidence-based info because it will be used in every discussion for this class.  […]

w8 irbw8 irb

 COLLAPSE What role does the Institutional Review Board (IRB) play in research and why is it important?  Watch this video on Watson and Rayner’s “Little Albert” experiment. What ethical issues does this raise?    What might have been the response of the IRB if Watson and Rayner had submitted this research for review?  What role does an […]