Discipline: Psychology
Promoting Health and Overcoming Challenges 2 RESPONSESPromoting Health and Overcoming Challenges 2 RESPONSES
In response to your peers, please aim for at least one paragraph that provides additional information, a different perspective, or a follow-up question related to their post. Maintain a respectful and supportive tone, acknowledging and appreciating their contributions. The goal is to engage in a collaborative learning environment, allowing everyone to explore the topic further […]
Importance of Ethics in Professional SettingsImportance of Ethics in Professional Settings
Scenario 1: Marybeth is working as a psychology intern at a large mental health clinic. Over the weekend, she sees an 18-year-old female who discloses that she has been thinking about suicide for several months. She is not accompanied by either parent and says they do not know anything about her thoughts of self-harm. When […]
I need a 15-20 page APA style literature reviewI need a 15-20 page APA style literature review
I need a 15-20 page APA style literature about the following topics: Racism and Education, Risk and Resilience, Racial Trauma, Environmental and Historical Impediments, Racial Health Disparities, and Current Interventions. I have already started but need citations and further information to aid to this.
psychology adolescencepsychology adolescence
According to Erik Erikson, adolescence is a particularly turbulent time in life because of the struggle to establish a secure identity. Establishing a secure identity is the primary function of the ego. Identity is an inner sense of who we are, or what makes us unique, a sense of continuity over time and a […]
Can discussion be done by tomorrow?Can discussion be done by tomorrow?
Describe one example, from the movie Joe the King, of how the biological, psychological, and societal systems interact for Joe’s family. Consider whether or not there were cultural influences, such as messages from family, community, or ethnic group, on these three systems. Response Guidelines In your response, consider one of the three systems mentioned above. Compare […]
Psychology UFPR Week 8 AssignmentPsychology UFPR Week 8 Assignment
To prepare for this assignment: Using the Walden Library, conduct a search for an article that addresses suicide risk, evaluation of suicide potential, and/or involuntary hospitalization of forensic populations. Select one such article for use in this Discussion. Carefully review the article paying close attention to the subjects being studied, the assessment instruments used, the […]
UFPR Week 8 DiscussionUFPR Week 8 Discussion
To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s DVD program, “Application of Psychological Research – Clinical Settings.” Consider the areas of forensic psychology research that are relevant to forensic clinical settings. Review the article, “ Actuarial Versus Clinical Assessments of Dangerousness,” in this week’s Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the studies discussed in the […]
w6 researchw6 research
What chapter has been the most helpful for you in wanting to complete a study. What chapter or area in research do you find the most challenging? There is no right or wrong response class. Just want to know your reaction to research as related to human services
fe 12/3fe 12/3
1.Write a paragraph explaining a single best self care practice you can offer a client in the Human Services field.