Discuss your relationship with the news. Do you keep up with current events/watch the news? How do you consume the news? Do you use an app on your phone? Social media? Radio? Watch/stream information from major news networks? Do you think that keeping up with the news/current events is important? Why or why not?
Discipline: Psychology
“A proposal is a structured, formal document that explains what you plan to research (i.e. your research topic; what is the area of interest), why it’s worth researching (i.e. your justification, why is this important), and how you plan to investigate it (i.e. your practical approach, this is the design of the study, qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods, longitudinal, etc). For this […]
Investigacion sobre la adopcion de ninos con sindrome de down en miami dadeInvestigacion sobre la adopcion de ninos con sindrome de down en miami dade
Investigacion sobre la adopcion de ninos con sindrome de down en miami dade. metodo mixto de investigacion , usando herramientas como entrevistas , encuestas , questionario. Power point con APA 7
Psychology Psych week 6 assignmentPsychology Psych week 6 assignment
CASE STUDY ANALYSIS–COGNITIVE AND SOCIAL-COGNITIVE THEORY The Module Assessment in Week 8 is a personality theory case study analysis that will be developed during Weeks 2 – 8. The Module Assessment is based on a case study found in your Learning Resources, “The Case of Mrs. C.” This week you examined personality theories from the […]
Case 14 , Discussion .Case 14 , Discussion .
please read assignment . it’s a discussion, so it’s short, but it has a few parts . I attached the instructions. I attached the Case I chose, Case 14. I left a few of my classmates discussions visible so you can have an idea of what is being asked. Here is the link for […]
feedback from professorfeedback from professor
Do experimenters always provide ethical oversite, interpret and report results? When tailoring a measure, what are some things that may need to be done to make sure it is the same measure as when it began?
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Unit 6.1 DB: Case Study 2 ResponsesUnit 6.1 DB: Case Study 2 Responses
1. #Based on the information this case study provided, Dr. Kim’s behavior of allowing hugs from his client raises potential ethical concerns. Maintaining appropriate professional boundaries is crucial in the therapeutic relationship, as it helps establish a safe and secure environment for the client. Establishing clear boundaries serves the therapist and the client, as it […]
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2 ResponsesMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2 Responses
In response to your peers, please aim for at least one paragraph that provides additional information, a different perspective, or a follow-up question related to their post. Maintain a respectful and supportive tone, acknowledging and appreciating their contributions. The goal is to engage in a collaborative learning environment, allowing everyone to explore the topic further […]
1. What relationships and/or experiences influenced your decision to enter the field of Social Work? 2. What are your career objectives, and explain how you envision using your graduate level Social Work education? (Include details about your philosophy of Social Work practice, the population you would like to work with, and the type of […]