Discipline: Psychology


  During the past few weeks, you have had the opportunity to develop a plan for success as a student here at GCU and beyond graduation. Use the attached document titled “Reflection” to complete the assignment. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the […]


  This reference guide is designed to be used as a tool for you to keep throughout your time at GCU. At the end of this course you can save this guide and refer back to it throughout your program as needed. Use the attached document titled “Reference Guide” to complete the assignment.


You will choose a topic. Your topic should be something that is interesting to you. It should be able to make a connection to the course theme (The Power of Storytelling: Narratives of Past, Present, and Future). You should think about the key words of the theme – stories. You should think about important “stories” […]

Psychology week 6 assignmentPsychology week 6 assignment

 Perhaps the best way to learn how variables are chosen, operationalized, and measured is by going over specific examples in the literature. Select one of the articles included below.  If a study has more than one phase, select one phase. If a study has more than one hypothesis, select one hypothesis (preferably the main hypothesis). Follow […]

Psychology UFPR Week 7 AssignmentPsychology UFPR Week 7 Assignment

To prepare for this assignment: Review the article, “From Single Case to Database: A New Method for Enhancing Psychotherapy Practice.” Pay particular attention to how both quantitative and qualitative research designs are used to evaluate individual case studies. Using the Walden Library, choose and review a research study in the area of forensic psychology that uses […]

UFPR Week 7 DiscussionUFPR Week 7 Discussion

To prepare for this Discussion: Review “ Descriptive Research: Assessing the Current State of Affairs” on pages 14–16 in Chapter 1 of your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, focusing on the differences between qualitative versus quantitative research. Review the article, “From Single Case to Database: A New Method for Enhancing Psychotherapy Practice.” Pay particular attention […]

CB Week 7 DiscussionCB Week 7 Discussion

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources this week to deepen your understanding of ethics and positive social change. Chose a topic from the following list for this Discussion: Death Penalty as Crime Deterrent Guns as Crime Deterrent and Capital Punishment Guantanamo Prison and Torture Classifying Crimes by Severity Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Consider the ethical implications […]

Implications of Social Policy Analysis for the Social Work ProfessionImplications of Social Policy Analysis for the Social Work Profession

  This activity aims to produce a written application of the concepts studied in this module. Delve deeper into the topics covered in the module by answering the following question(s):  Choose a social policy and respond:  What are the implications for the social work profession in the insertion in the analysis and evaluation of social […]