Discipline: Psychology


  Critical thinking involves self-reflection. You are not the same person who began this course 7 weeks ago; you have learned and grown during this course. Please reflect on the following: What things have worked best for you as a student in this course? What things did not go as well as you had hoped? […]


 Take a moment to reflect on your current program of study. Identify the knowledge and skills you believe you will gain that will apply to your career goals. How will you present these knowledge and skills to an employer? 


  Explain the importance of understanding your personal ethical perspective. Analyze the relationship between personal and professional ethics in psychology.  Describe how your own ethical awareness relates to the concept of aspirational and enforceable standards.  Finally, what are the risks of exclusively following the dictates of one’s personal views and values in making ethical decisions […]

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Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson. Click here. The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers by Adam Grant. Click here. After reviewing the TED Talks, write a discussion forum post that addresses the following: Which TED Talk did you find more interesting? Why? Share at least TWO key points that you took away from the talk. […]


M5 Q1 What motivates you personally?  Relate your answer to one or more theories of motivation and/or to empirical research on motivation. M5 Q2 Is beauty in the eye of the beholder, or are there universal norms for physical attractiveness?  Back up your opinion with reasons, and remember that empirical evidence (scientific research) trumps personal […]

psych week 6 dq onepsych week 6 dq one

  COGNITIVE AND SOCIAL-COGNITIVE THEORY Based on your readings for this Week, access the Personality Theory Matrix and complete the requested information in the Column I section for Cognitive and Social-Cognitive theory. Include information specific to cognitive theory and information specific to social-cognitive theory. You can use this information to support your Discussion post and response this week.  Note: Continue […]

The trials of Gabriel FernandezThe trials of Gabriel Fernandez

 Watch the documentary The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. After watching the documentary critically analyze the documentary using the concepts, models, and theories discussed in class such as: fundamental values of the social work profession, the NASW Code of Ethics and ethical decision-making models, human and economic justice principles, professional skills, Bio-Psycho-Social Model, and generalist model […]