Discipline: Psychology

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

   The Black Perspective Dimensions: knowledge, values, skills, cognitive and affective reaction. This is an integrative and culminating assignment of Contemporary social issue of addictions. Describe the history, the demographics, and any salient factors in regards to the issue. Discuss social work practice from a generalist perspective (multi-levels of intervention: micro, mezzo, macro, and ecological […]

Executive Functioning: Problem-SolvingExecutive Functioning: Problem-Solving

 Problem-solving and critical thinking are abilities related to the functioning of our executive system. Problem-solving, judgment, decision-making, and reasoning are essential skills for many different aspects of life, including most jobs and careers. Problems may have one or many solutions; however, clear understanding of the problem is essential to choosing an appropriate path for problem-solving. […]


  As we learned in Chapter 13 of the textbook, there are many factors that affect decision-making (e.g., emotions, context, presentation, neuroeconomics, confirmation bias). Apply 1 or more of these factors to a decision you have made in your personal or professional life. Explain how these factors influenced your decision-making.


 Let’s continue our discussion on measurement and research. Please answer the following questions using examples, when appropriate, to illustrate your understanding of the material. Study Design: When designing a study, what are some considerations for selecting the best measure?  What is a pilot study and why might a pilot study be conducted? Why might a researcher […]

Ethics 3Ethics 3

What are the differences between traditional psychotherapy ethics (e.g. institutional ethics) and the relational approach to ethics, as you understand it? (Same as slide 14 prompt as per the deck on Relational Ethics)

Psychology AssignmentPsychology Assignment

Write a paragraph on ONE topic from this chapter that you found to be particularly interesting. Minimum 250 words. Be sure to respond to at least TWO other student’s post. 50 words each. this payment is also included into the 2 responses will post after completed assignment

W5 asapW5 asap

What is the percentage of individuals with alcohol or drug use disorders who present with eating disorders, the types of eating disorders and the type of help needed? Can people recover from eating disorders? apa format 200 word minimum