This assignment has two parts. First, you will complete a premise on your proposed dissertation topic. Second, you will complete the Doctoral Committee Matching form and submit the premise for committee matching. Students who already have a chair: If you have a chair but need a second committee member, please complete Part I and […]
Discipline: Psychology
Part 1: Annotated BibliographyPart 1: Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of resources (books, journal articles, websites, etc.) followed by a brief description and evaluation. This helps you keep track of each resource, its relevance as it pertains to your study, and its credibility and quality. Your evaluation of each resource may include the purpose and scope of the […]
Review Annotated BibliographiesReview Annotated Bibliographies
To prepare for this Discussion: Read the Assignment of this week first. Identify one article that you selected in the Week 4 Discussion and that you are also including in this week’s Annotated Bibliography. Review Chapter 4, “General Guidelines for Analyzing Literature” (pp. 31–42), in the Galvan text. Review Chapter 9, “Dissertation Chapter 2: Literature Review” (pp. 89–91), […]
Prompt: Your 10-year-old nephew has a special relationship with his pet and insists his pet can talk to him. His parents tell him animals don’t speak. Knowing that you study psychology, your nephew has asked you to explain to his parents that it IS possible for his pet to talk to him. Create a multimedia […]
Topic 3 Create Multimedia Presentation w/ transcriptTopic 3 Create Multimedia Presentation w/ transcript
There are many different methods for enhancing our ability to learn and retain new information. To make sure you are able to use this information in a real-world setting that’s meaningful to you, you will be creating a workplace training activity that can be related to a current or future job. Successful completion of […]
Topic 1-create a multimedia w/transcriptTopic 1-create a multimedia w/transcript
Choose a superstition. State the superstition you are testing. Write your hypothesis about the superstition in a testable form. For example, if I was testing whether people with short hair are taller than people with long hair, I might write, “If a person has short hair, she will be taller than a person with […]
Telehealth/Telemedicine has been a growing trend. How would you, the counselor, use this modality in treatment planning with adolescents with substance use disorders? What are some benefits and drawbacks to using Telehealth/Telemedicine when it comes to treatment planning?
700- to 1,050-word self-critique of your session in which you analyze your skills and identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth in the following areas: Body Language Eye Contact Minimal Encouragers Tone of Voice Verbal Following Open Questions Paraphrase Reflection of Feeling Summarizing
obesity in adolescentsobesity in adolescents
Each CLC team will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses an area of health psychology and increases patient adherence to medical advice. The goal is to attempt to solve a specific problem. Address the following: Your health issue for this assignment should be the same one that you chose for Topic 4. Select a topic: […]
dp 7-2dp 7-2
Compare and contrast biomedical and cognitive therapies used to treat pain. Name two kinds of biomedical and cognitive therapies. What pain experiences does each kind of therapy seem to treat best?