Discipline: Psychology

dp 7-1dp 7-1

Think about a time that you felt pain. How do you understand that experience differently now that you have read about pain and how it is measured? What physiological components might have been involved in your experience of pain?


  Great job on your post! You explained the assessment of validity very well and how each one of them has a function that is important to measure what they intend to measure. The test-retest reliability is a method for testing on large groups on two different occasions. If the results are consistent then it’s […]


Write a response to this article. Download this article. Minimum 250 words. Be sure to respond to at least TWO other students. Each of your responses should be at least 50 words.

Empowerment TheoryEmpowerment Theory

This activity aims to produce a written and apply the concepts studied in this module. Deepen your knowledge of the topics covered in the module by answering the following question(s):  Analyze the axioms of empowerment theory and its implications for social work practice and social policy formulation. Use an  format: You must submit your job […]

Unit 5.1 DB: Develop Language Skills 2 RESPONSESUnit 5.1 DB: Develop Language Skills 2 RESPONSES

 In response to your peers, please aim for at least one paragraph that provides additional information, a different perspective, or a follow-up question related to their post. Maintain a respectful and supportive tone, acknowledging and appreciating their contributions. The goal is to engage in a collaborative learning environment, allowing everyone to explore the topic further […]

Psychology AssignmentPsychology Assignment

Select one of the major topics we have studied from chapters 4-5. Minimum 500 words Describe what you learned How it personally applies to you (past, present, or future) What needs further explanation/study. I have an 7 month old son who interact with me more at home than in daycare he has attachment issue his […]