Discipline: Psychology


  What is the connectionist model? Think about a time when you had to learn new information, whether in class or at a job. How does this model help to explain your ability to learn new information?

Psychology week five assignmentPsychology week five assignment

 Use the information below to complete the attached assignment. Then complete the attached worksheet page and submit it here by clicking on the assignment title above.  Independent and Dependent Variables Independent Variables are things you can NOT change such as gender, age, grade, ethnicity, SES, etc.  This is the “cause”. In non-experimental research when the cause […]

5 Questions5 Questions

   1. In what ways may you improve your own fluid and crystallized intelligence? From your perspective, which type of intelligence (fluid or crystallized) is most important? Why?  (3 sentences) 2. What do you think are the struggles of caring for aging parents? Why? Do you know anyone who has ever had to care for […]


M4Q1 Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain:  Is consciousness real or illusory?  What evidence supports your opinion?  (There are multiple senses of “real” one could consider when answering this question.  Does it have real causal effects on behavior?  Does it have real adaptive value?  Does our subjective experience of it match what […]


 In Module Two, you submitted Milestone One (draft of introduction), and in Module Four, you submitted Milestone Two (draft of methods and results). For this discussion, you will create and post a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the key points of your introduction, methods, and results sections. Be sure to include slide notes as well. This […]

final annafinal anna

  Part One Create a short story involving the following categories. Use your knowledge  of the impact of the type of loss/relationship to deceased and  developmental stage and describe examples of the understanding of the  death, reactions to the loss, developmental concerns,and three  interventions. Person Who Died Death of a Parent (mother) Type of Death […]


  BIOLOGICAL AND EVOLUTIONARY AND INTEGRATIVE PERSONALITY THEORIES Based on your readings for this Week, access the Personality Theory Matrix and complete the requested information in Column G section for Biological and Evolutionary Theory and Column H section for Integrative Theory. You can use this information to support your Discussion post and response this week.  Note: Continue to populate the Personality Theory Matrix spreadsheet […]

Topic 6 Create Multimedia w/transcriptTopic 6 Create Multimedia w/transcript

  The scene:  You are in graduate school, working at a pain clinic for your required internship. You have created a new pain intervention that uses an illusion to decrease pain!    Your job:  To demonstrate the effectiveness of this new treatment, you have been asked to design an experiment that tests your hypothesis. Create a presentation for your internship supervisor that outlines […]