Discipline: Psychology

Overview 2Overview 2

Read the article on “Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders” and write three paragraphs on your understanding of the changes as it pertains to substance use disorders. One paragraph consists of 5 sentences.


Minimum 200 word with apa format a MUST  Check out the 12 Steps on the Internet and consider how they might be written differently today due to changes in our culture from the 1930s.  Compare the original 12 Steps with the 13 Steps from Women for Sobriety available at www.womenforsobriety.org.  What are the differences? Has […]


  Consider how you can apply what you learned this week on identifying gaps in the literature to your dissertation research process within your specific program of study.

Psychology UFPR Week 5 AssignmentPsychology UFPR Week 5 Assignment

To prepare for this assignment: Review Chapter 8 in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay attention to the importance of statistical significance and effect size. Consider the relationship between statistical significance and effect size. Using the Walden Library, select and review two or three forensic psychology research articles where “effect size” was […]

UFPR Week 5 DiscussionUFPR Week 5 Discussion

Statisticians and researchers are human, and therefore, make mistakes in the conduct of their research. Type I and Type II errors are important to consider as they have real-world implications. A Type I error refers to rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true, while a Type II error results from failing to reject a […]

GW II Week 5 DiscussionGW II Week 5 Discussion

The lead-out is where you conclude the paragraph and its corresponding argument. It also provides an opportunity to emphasize your unique voice as a scholar. To generate the lead-out, writers ask themselves questions such as What is the lasting impression I want this paragraph to have? Ultimately, what is this paragraph’s argument about? What is […]

CB Week 1 DiscussionCB Week 1 Discussion

To prepare: Review Chapter 21 of the text and the rest of the Learning Resources this week to deepen your understanding of sociopathy, psychopathy, mental illness, and mental disorders. Specifically, consider the Hare Psychopathy Checklist and the factors on Hare’s scale. Review The Mask of Sanity and select two case studies from Section Two, Part […]

W3 new 2W3 new 2

After viewing the three short links below write a four-paragraph response of your understanding on the nature of addiction. Incorporate information from all three videos into your response. Your response must be submitted in the drop box as a word document, double space, with 12-point font, and a separate cover page.