Discipline: Psychology

Discussion TopicDiscussion Topic

 Health and Human Behavior    Discussion Topic-  Phobias “What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” This well-known expression is a good analogy for stress in that what is distressing to one person can actually be thrilling or exciting to another. This can also be said for the issue of phobias. According […]

week 5 Support Group #5week 5 Support Group #5

  Discuss a very brief description (one paragraph for the group session– do NOT include the actual 12-steps) to include the following:  Official name of the program or group you observed (MUST BE A SUBSTANCE ABUSE GROUP SESSION OTHER THAN ALCOHOLIC OR GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS). When and where did you go to the group? MUST BE […]

Psychology Wassignment week 5 Screening – with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): PresentationPsychology Wassignment week 5 Screening – with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Presentation

  Develop a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following criteria: Slide 1:  Title Page. Slide 2:  SBIRT overview – Describe the history of SBIRT, the SBIRT process and how it is used in clinical practice settings using US research articles. Slide 3:  Case Presentation – Do not include patient identifying information but include demographics i.e. […]

death penaltydeath penalty

Interrelated issues: (1) the constitutionality of death penalty statutes, (2) what crimes are capital, (3) mitigating circumstances, (4) aggravating circumstances, (5) the appellate process, (6) capital juries, (7) who may or may not be executed, (8) assistance of counsel, and (9) other procedural issues. Choose one of these areas and analyze all the pertinent cases […]

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

 As a social worker, it is inevitable that you will encounter resistance. Discuss a situation of resistance with a client in your internship (or employer). What type of resistance did you experience? What were the possible sources of your client’s resistance? What did you do to dissipate the client’s resistance and build a relationship of collaboration? If you were unable to dissipate the […]

Psychology AssignmentPsychology Assignment

 Assessment Description For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions designed to help you find and plan your purpose. These questions are broken into an Academic Plan, a Spiritual Plan, and a Career Plan. Use the attached document titled “Purpose Plan” to complete the assignment. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the […]