To prepare for this Assignment: Gather and review the recent writing feedback you’ve received in this course and/or your other course. The feedback could be from discussions or assignments. Access the Feedback Journal worksheet from the Learning Resources. View the video below for directions to complete this activity. By Day 7 Using the Feedback Journal […]
Discipline: Psychology
GW II Week 4 DiscussionGW II Week 4 Discussion
To prepare for this Discussion: Review the Week 3 Discussion for your paraphrased evidence as well as any feedback received. Review the Learning Resources on analysis. Recall the argument you are making. Post your initial 1- to 2-paragraph response that addresses the following: Using the evidence you identified and paraphrased in Week 3, analyze that […]
Psychology GW II Week 4 Assignment 1Psychology GW II Week 4 Assignment 1
To prepare for this Assignment: Choose ONE of the following options: Option 1: Select an upcoming assignment or discussion from the program course you’re currently taking (such as Foundations). Write a first draft of at least 1 page of the assignment or discussion. Option 2: Select a previously submitted assignment or discussion from the program […]
Evaluating Objective and Projective AsessmentsEvaluating Objective and Projective Asessments
Psyc 545Psyc 545
See attachments Use the data set from the prior assignment with all steps from the prior instructions completed.
discussion postdiscussion post
Hide Assignment InformationInstructions Aikin and Talisse offer (perhaps) surprising interpretations of Aristotle’s two claims. Their interpretations also form important steps in their argument. In this exit ticket, explain how Aikin and Talisse interpret Aristotle’s claims. Dedicate one-two sentences to each claim, and try your best to explain in your own words. I’ll pick three accurate […]
PSY Discussion 2PSY Discussion 2
QUESTION 1 How do we know that certain areas of the brain are specialized to do specific kinds of processing? (There are multiple sources of evidence you could point to for this one.) Are there any practical implications that result from knowing what is localized where? QUESTION 2 Ghostly appendages: What is phantom limb syndrome? […]
Describe how personal significance can make semantic memories easier to remember. How can this information be used to enhance learning and retention of learned materials? How can this relate to various aspects of life and career? Provide a real-world example of how this was or can be applied. Was it helpful? Why or why not?
What are some key words you can use to start searching the literature for your dissertation? What databases would be appropriate? Why would they be appropriate?
Bibliotherapy and Expressive Therapies ActivityBibliotherapy and Expressive Therapies Activity
Please use attached example to complete parts one and two. Please do not copy the attached example Part One: Bibliotherapy Select a children’s book that explores a subject related to terminal illness, death, grief, or loss and write a book review. Record a video of yourself reading the book aloud. You may borrow a book […]