Discipline: Reading

Skills building 1Skills building 1

250 words  For this Week Skill Building Activity, you will discuss why statistics should be taught to, and understood by, employees in all functions and all levels of an organization.  Integrate what you have learned up to this point and back up your opinions with factual evidence from scholarly sources . You will need to use […]

discussion 1discussion 1

150 words   Identify three key processes associated with the following business activities for a typical company: sales and marketing, supply chain management, managing information technology, and managing human resources. Do not repeat your classmates’ processes. List two common processes that you perform as an online college student at GMC.  Do not repeat your classmates’ processes. […]


a.  The title of the legislation b.  The number of the public law establishing the program(federal code number) c.  The Full and Short title of the law d.  Summary of the purpose, major components, what was the bill designed to achieve, duration, cost, economic impact. e.  Identify the major population(s) to be served f.  Identification […]

Skills building 3Skills building 3

250 words  For this Week Skill Building Activity, you will identify three sources of errors as a student, as an employee, or in your own personal life.  Develop three poka-yokes that might prevent them.  You will need to use your critical thinking, moral reasoning, and persuasive writing skills in this critical thinking exercise. 

discussion 3discussion 3

150 words 150 words  Identify three key processes associated with the following business activities for a typical company: sales and marketing, supply chain management, managing information technology, and managing human resources. Do not repeat your classmates’ processes. List two common processes that you perform as an online college student .  Do not repeat your classmates’ processes. […]

Skills building 4Skills building 4

250 words    For this Week’s Skills Building Activity, you will discuss how the team performance equation can be applied when assessing the performance of a team that you may be assigned to in one of your college courses. 

discussion 4discussion 4

150 words   Have you experienced social loafing or free riding in a team setting? What could have been done or can be done to avoid those effects?  What are the performance criteria by which a team’s effectiveness should be evaluated? Why is it important to evaluate a team’s effectiveness by other performance criteria besides […]

Skills building 1Skills building 1

250 words   What kind of HR metrics should the company start using to track employee turnover costs and issues?  Why are these metrics important to establish and continue with? Understanding what drives employee retention is the next step.  What are the four drivers of retention that this company should now focus on?  Which two […]

discussion 1discussion 1

150 words   Identify the three major points that job design can address. Also, discuss how teams can be used in job design, and please include a brief discussion on using virtual teams. What is job analysis, and why is it important? How does O*Net help with job analysis? Describe the difference between Task-Based and […]