Discipline: Reading

Food TrendFood Trend

In this assessment you will conduct a piece of research based on a topic related to global food trends with a focus on the cultural and social dimensions. Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and dining appropriate to your topic. You should develop a title that may […]


  Question Two Find applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Identify an organization with which at least one member of your group has a good contact who has a decision-making problem that requires some expertise (but is not too complicated). Understand the nature of its business and identify problems that have been supported or […]


 Internet games have become very popular. Designing a good computer game needs to use 3D graphics and artificial intelligence technologies. Search the literature to specify what AI techniques are able to make computer entertainment more exciting and challenging 

discussion 1discussion 1

150 words    The Cost of Capital is obviously sensitive to interest rates.  Discuss the significance of the cost of debt, the cost of equity and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) when calculating a discount rate to be used in cash flow analysis. Describe the differences between the Payback Period and NPV?  Which […]

discussion 2discussion 2

150 words    Select a global organization or company not from the textbook and discuss how the international trade system and the economic, political-legal, and cultural environments have affected its international marketing decisions. Is it feasible for all companies to be global marketers?  Do certain industries seem better suited for global marking than others?  Why […]

discussion 1discussion 1

150 words   What coach has had the greatest impact on you? Was it positive or negative? Describe this coach. What did the coach do? How or why has he/she influenced you? What did you learn from this coach that you would apply yourself if you became a coach?