Discipline: Science

Human ScienceHuman Science

Students will create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation showcasing the  Department of Human Sciences. Your goal is to persuade an undecided  student to want to further explore our department and find out more about  the department, if not join the department. 

Develop Care Plans 3Develop Care Plans 3

  Throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to develop care plans and concept maps on the main topics. How has the development of care plans and concept maps helped you understand the material and what resources did you find most helpful? Please make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least […]

Hormonal Birth Control EffectsHormonal Birth Control Effects

  Hormonal birth control is an effective approach to preventing pregnancy. The effects of hormonal birth control are not limited to the reproductive system, and there are other uses in addition to pregnancy prevention.  In your initial post: Research a form of hormonal birth control and consider the following as you construct your initial post. Include the […]

Science Short-Answer Assignment – The Reproductive and Endocrine SystemScience Short-Answer Assignment – The Reproductive and Endocrine System

   1. Given what you have learned so far about the male and female reproductive systems, briefly respond to each of the following questions for each gender: Which hormones are primarily responsible for triggering the onset of puberty? At what age does this typically occur? Describe some of the changes that occur as a result.  […]

Media Advocacy PaperMedia Advocacy Paper

You will write an article on a health related issue that you feel passionate about. The purpose of this article is to advocate for policy change. You will only focus on one issue. You should include an introduction, discuss in a persuasive manner the need for policy change, and finally conclude with a summary paragraph […]

Science Drawing Assignment – The Digestive and Urinary Systems DrawingsScience Drawing Assignment – The Digestive and Urinary Systems Drawings

  Draw an outline of human body. Draw the structures of the digestive system, including: Anus Appendix Ascending colon Cecum Descending colon Duodenum Esophagus Gallbladder Ileum Jejunum Large intestine Liver Oral cavity Pancreas Pharynx Rectum Small intestine Stomach Transverse colon Draw a kidney and label these interior structures: Cortex Major calyx Medulla Minor calyx Pyramid […]

Science Short-Answer Assignment – The Digestive and Urinary SystemsScience Short-Answer Assignment – The Digestive and Urinary Systems

   1. Define the terms peristalsis and segmentation. Where do each of these processes occur in the gastrointestinal tract during the digestive process?  Provide answer here 2. List four accessory organs to the digestive tract and share their location as well as their main contribution to the digestive process.  Provide answer here 3. The pH […]