Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy


What, according to Aristotle in Book III (page 30- 49)of Nicomachean Ethics, are the roles of voluntary action and personal responsibility in regards to becoming a virtuous person? (Book III, Chapter 5 is particularly relevant to this question.)

Journal 5Journal 5

For this journal assignment please reflect on skepticism. What is it? Is it valuable?  Can there be ‘too much’ skepticism?  What are some things we should always be skeptical about?  Should we be skeptical of our own minds? What about the minds of others?   This journal entry should be at least 250 words 

Discussion-the meaning of lifeDiscussion-the meaning of life

The Meaning of Life No unread replies.No replies. Chapter 16 of our textbook focuses on several different ethical theories.  Ethics is the branch of philosophy that seeks to determine the ‘best life’ for human beings.  There are two popular theories that seem to be at odds: Utilitarianism (focuses on the consequences of an action, concerned […]


In Nicomachean Ethics, Book II(page 18 – 30), Aristotle describes how virtue is acquired, gives a general definition of virtue, and gives examples of specific virtues. Explain the role of habituation in Aristotle’s view of how a person acquires virtues, and give a specific example of how a particular virtue, bravery, could be acquired this way. […]


PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING IN 50 WORDS OR MORE: After reading what Strawson had to say about inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning, in my opinion and what I think about it is that in the life we live I say we justify inductive reasoning way more. The reason why I say this because we […]

Discussion ResponseDiscussion Response

Please respond to the following with 50 words or more: Deductive reasoning helps us explain things and events about our past, or events and situations that happened in the past.  Inductive reasoning takes what we know about the past and present and helps us predict the future based on what we know.  Strawson contends that […]

Discussion ResponseDiscussion Response

Please respond to the following with 50 words or more: Deductive reasoning helps us explain things and events about our past, or events and situations that happened in the past.  Inductive reasoning takes what we know about the past and present and helps us predict the future based on what we know.  Strawson contends that […]


Please take this opportunity to start thinking about your final assignment for PHI 2010. For your final assignment get ready to delve deeper into applied philosophy.  Please choose a disciplinary area that you could see yourself potentially working in one day (or that you would simply like to reflect on).  Some examples, though this list is not exhaustive, […]