Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy


  Instructions Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and […]


  Instructions Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and […]

Critic of the ArtCritic of the Art

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3, 4 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions Select a work of art from any of the chapters in our textbook, and write a response that analyzes the art through the lens of a descriptive critic, an […]

Religion and EthicsReligion and Ethics

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 3, 4 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook) Instructions Review the following ethical dilemmas: John Doe has decided to clone himself. He is sterile. He cannot find anyone to marry him. He wishes to have children. He knows that […]

Religion and EthicsReligion and Ethics

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 3, 4 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions St. Augustine in the 5th Century held that we are free to make choices in life. This is the idea of free will. It may seem at first […]

100 Word Discussion Reply 2100 Word Discussion Reply 2

 I’d like to discuss the Euthyphro Dilemma and moral relativism. Firstly, Euthyphro dilemma is a classic problem in moral philosophy that has been debated for centuries. At its core, the dilemma asks whether something is good because God commands it or whether God commands it because it is good. Some philosophers argue that if something […]

100 Word Discussion Reply100 Word Discussion Reply

  Hello all, Looking at the idea of moral relativism, I can see how a lot of discussion and unproductive arguments can come about. The basis of moral relativism is that the morals of the individual are up to the individual. For example, one person could say it’s okay to lie in order to protect […]

150-250 Word Discussion Post150-250 Word Discussion Post

CO4: Evaluate arguments for and against the existence of God. CO6: Evaluate various approaches to the problem of free will. Open discussion week. You choose what you would like to discuss from the week’s course material. Be sure to provide reasoned evaluations of the issues and discuss them philosophically rather than just stating your opinion.  Topic:  Morality […]

100 Word Discussion Reply 2100 Word Discussion Reply 2

Question:   With reference to Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the existence of God, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of his argument. Answer:  Anselm’s argument on God was that God is the being that is greater than anyone can imagine, and that if one thinks of a great being, that being is not God since such […]

100 Word Discussion Reply100 Word Discussion Reply

Question: With reference to Pike’s article, how could it be said that Divine Omniscience challenges the idea that humans have free will? Answer: Hello class, Congratulations on making it past the halfway point in the class. This weeks content is such a good discussion. I believe that in a normal setting it isn’t spoken about […]