Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy


Each week should be a total of 500 words combined, 2 questions each week (8 questions total), books have been attached, include page numbers in citations, ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM  

100 Word Discussion Reply 2100 Word Discussion Reply 2

  Why do Empiricist believe there are limits to the knowledge of reality? Empiricists believe that knowledge of reality is limited because it is based on sensory experience, which is subjective and unreliable. Therefore, empirical knowledge can only provide a limited understanding of the world and reality. This is because the senses can only provide […]

100 Word Discussion Reply100 Word Discussion Reply

  For this discussion, I decided to choose question #1: What exactly is Empiricism?  Please provide specific examples to support your answer. From my understanding of the lesson on Empiricism, I can relate it to the saying “Never judge a book by its cover”. Like it was stated in the history of Empiricism, appearances can […]

the just citythe just city

Plato and Al-Farabi both thought that a just city should be ruled by a philosopher. What factors determine whether a government will make good decisions? Do you agree with Plato and Al-Farabi that these factors are the virtue and abilities of its leader or leadership? What role does the structure of the government play in […]