Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy

Topic ATopic A

Discussion tips : To answer these topics completely, it takes about 2 pages – 8-10 paragraphs. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete, thoughtful answer is more important than word count. Topic A What is Martin Gardner’s argument for […]

Need help withNeed help with

   In around 500 words, select a passage from a philosophical text (such as Plato’s allegory of the cave, or Descartes’ Cogito argument), and answer the following questions: What is the point of this passage? Why did the author bother to include this passage in the selected text? What is the author trying to prove […]

Humanities descriptive WorkHumanities descriptive Work

  HUMA 1301:  Art Museum Assignment Purpose To evaluate art using the techniques and knowledge acquired in class. To historically situate art in the culture, era, and style of its production.  To experience art and make connections! General Instructions For this assignment, you will visit The Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (free), The Menil Collection (free), […]

Last JournalLast Journal

For this journal entry please share your reflection on the most ‘meaningful’ topic covered – for you – this semester in PHI 2010.  What module impacted your thinking?  Why?  How can you apply what you’ve learned in PHI 2010 in your daily life?  What will you ‘take with you’ from your time in class this […]


PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING POST IN 50 WORDS: Creating a fair and just society is a formidable aspiration that involves ensuring equal opportunities, rights, and respect for all individuals. In such a society, everyone should have an equal chance at success, regardless of their background or circumstances at birth. A just society emphasizes equal […]

socrates methodsocrates method

  Taking its namesake from the famous ancient Greek gadfly, the Socratic method involves teachers testing a student’s knowledge of a subject matter by asking challenging questions. For example, when Socrates wanted his student Theatetus to define “knowledge” he would ask him whether a tour guide who accidentally has true information about how to get […]


   Utilitarianism In this instance I am asking you to apply the theory, rather than criticize it. (I save the critique of the theory for my Ethics classes.) What would be the reasonable options in the following scenario? Which would utility say is the best choice, spelling out the consequences to show why? Is the […]