Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy

Using Rhetorical DevicesUsing Rhetorical Devices

 Instructions Course Objectives: CO1: Define critical thinking and logical analysis (Knowledge) CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate) Description:  For the Using Rhetorical Devices assignment, you will create an advertisement that uses at least two rhetorical ploys (CO1 and CO4). The list is available in Chapter […]

250 Word Discussion Post250 Word Discussion Post

Considering what Bowell and Kemp write about Rhetoric and Rhetorical Devices, first discuss the difference between such devices and Fallacies (to be covered in-depth later). Then pick out a form of advertising and discuss the named rhetorical device used and how you believe it was intended to mislead you toward a faulty conclusion. Keep in […]

topic Atopic A

discussion Length tip: To answer these topics completely, it takes about 2 pages—8-10 paragraphs. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete, thoughtful answer is more important than word count. Topic A In this discussion, you will address the controversy […]


You’ve tested your critical thinking skills here in PHI 2010…  for your final please read Richard Taylor’s  “The Meaning of Life” (page 976 in our class textbook).  After reading please consider the following argument from Taylor’s work: Look at the busy street any day, and observe the throng going hither and  thither. To what? Some […]

Does Medicare Cover Neurofeedback?Does Medicare Cover Neurofeedback?

   One of the primary concerns for individuals seeking neurofeedback therapy is the cost and coverage. Medicare, the federal health insurance program primarily for seniors and certain disabled individuals, generally covers medically necessary services. However, as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Medicare typically does not provide coverage for neurofeedback therapy.

Philosophy Final ReflectionsPhilosophy Final Reflections

Revisit your initial discussion board post from Module 1 regarding how philosophy factors into your life.  Looking at your initial post: What has changed with your answer?  How do you feel about this now?   Do you see the activity of philosophy from a different perspective? Please explain.  Finally, be sure to comment on at […]

Response to Justice as FairnessResponse to Justice as Fairness

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING POST IN RESPOND IN 50 WORDS: The idea of justice in society must always revolve around doing away with the biases and circumstances that create a difference in allocating resources and opportunities to the members of society. As Rawls puts it across in the “Two Principles of Justice” and the discussions […]


Please review the following video clip based on John Rawls’ veil of ignorance: Veil of ignorance (Additional reading on this topic can be found in Chapter 22 with Rawls’ “Two Principles of Justice” page 1126). What does a just society look like? What do we need in order to have justice? Do the biases/experiences discussed […]