Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy

Journal 12Journal 12

In the spirit of our discussion about the social contract and our readings from Chapter 20 please review this video: What Would You Do?Links to an external site. What’s going on in the video in relation to ‘the social contract’? Are we – generally speaking – upholding the social contract?  Do we actually owe one another any […]

Journal 10Journal 10

For this journal assignment please select one reading from Chapter 15 of our textbook (the chapter is called Do your Intentions Matter).  Provide a short summary (in your own words) of the reading and state whether you agree with the author and why/why not. Please make sure your submission is at least 250 words.

Journal 11Journal 11

Using Chapter 17 in our class textbook please state whether you believe that morality is objective, subjective, or relative and please make sure to fully defend/support your position (with citations and sources as needed). Please submit at least 250 words here for this journal


 Socrates warned the city that most citizens are at risking of sleepwalking through life. What does this mean? In what ways were Aristotle, Epicurus, and Seneca also concerned about this risk? 


In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle concludes that eudemonia, or human flourishing (translated as “happiness” in our text) is the highest good. Describe Aristotle’s conception of eudemonia (“happiness”). Next, describe Aristotle’s conceptions of the human function, the rational part of the soul, habituation, character, and virtue. Explain the role each of these conceptions plays in the […]

Response to Moral Theory 2Response to Moral Theory 2

PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING POST IN 50 WORDS OR MORE:  After reading the passage and watching the video by Peter Singer, I believe that Peter Singer thinks that the right thing to do is to make the world a better place by preventing bad situations from happening. He believes that if we can prevent […]