Discipline: Social Science - Philosophy

Journal 8Journal 8

For Journal 8 please select one reading from Chapter 12 (‘What is Race? What is Gender?’).  Summarize-In your own words – the argument given in the reading and explain whether you agree or disagree and why. Please make sure your submission is at least 250 words. I HAVE ATTACHED THE READING


Identity In this discussion board we focus on identity.  Please consider and reflect on the following questions: What is it that makes you you?  What is your identity?       ‘ In Chapter 11 Derek Parfit (“Personal Identity” page 520) describes a situation where he seems to be both on Earth and on Mars at […]

Response to identityResponse to identity

PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING IN 50 WORDS OR MORE: According to Parfit, the person on Mars is an extension of the first person who lived through teletransportation. But the person here on Earth is also an extension of someone who came from nothing. Neither can be the same as the original person. Parfit concludes […]


There is an important relationship between prudence and virtue in Aristotle’s ethics. To fully understand his conception of virtue, it is necessary to understand his conception of prudence and how it relates to virtue. Describe the relationship between prudence and virtue, according to Aristotle. Does Aristotle think that prudence is a necessary component of virtue?


What is Aristotle’s general conception of prudence, as he describes it in Book VI, Chapters 1-7 ofNicomachean Ethics? How does deliberation and goal-directed action relate to prudence? What is the end to which prudence aims (i.e. what is its goal)? Contrast Aristotle’s general conception of prudence with his general conception of wisdom. Page 86-92


In preparation for the ‘halfway point’ of our class please take this time to reflect on what we’ve covered so far in class. What has had the most impact so far? Why?   Please make sure your submission is academic, grammatically sound, and at least 250 words. THIS IS FOR PHILOSOPHY-USE SOME OF THE ASSIGNMENTS YOU […]