Discipline: Social Science

family relationsfamily relations

Read Balswick, Fifth Edition, Part 2 (Marriage, chapters 3-5). Then answer the following questions. Follow the same format and instructions as on Assignment 1. 1. What do the authors say has changed in western mate selection? Pages 49-50 2. Summarize traditional mate selection, including the concepts of “bride price” and “dowry” in many older cultures. […]

Ted Talk ReviewTed Talk Review

There are 5 questions that need to be answered with the attached Ted Talk.   1: ( Minimum 100 Words) Write a short biography of the speaker. Use the Ted Talk website and the Internet to research the speaker. Do not cut and paste! Please do your research and use your own words! 2: (Minimum […]

4-1 Discussion4-1 Discussion

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts. For your initial post, address the following: Identify a major development that occurred in one perspective of the social sciences that affected how your advertisements might be studied. This could be an event, technological advancement, discovery, rejection/acceptance of a theory, or paradigm […]

Health Fact SheetHealth Fact Sheet

Students will develop a 1-2 page Health Fact Sheet based on an aging topic of their choosing. This would be with the idea that it could be placed at a senior center or handed out to older adults for educational purposes. It is recommend that students use the text to assist with topic ideas. The […]


  After reading about the positions of various political ideologies from around the world (e.g., Libertarianism, Conservatism, Centrism, Liberalism, Social Democracy, and Socialism), please answer the following questions:  1) Which political ideology do you most agree with, and why? 2) Despite having a common code of ethics set forth by the National Association of Social […]


  What similarities and differences do you see between yourself and the case study client? Why might it be important to be aware of our similarities and differences in social work? How does your own life experience shape your opinion about this case? How would you demonstrate empathy for your client, either Margaret or Jenna, […]


 For this assignment, you will draw on the work you did in previous assignments and integrate all you have learned into a clear and concise application of your chosen theory to the particular case of Joe the King. As with all assignments, it is vital to support the application of your chosen theory with scholarly […]