Discipline: Social Science

208 WK5 Reply208 WK5 Reply

Respond to at least 2 of your peers’ posts with insights on how to address needs related to diversity (i.e., age, ability status, sexual identity, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) in one or both of their settings. 

current event 2current event 2

choose any topic below in the table and locate a news article that is relevant to the topic of your chosen and do the following: 1. Summarize the content of the article. Explain how this article is relevant to the topic you selected. 2. Reflect what your personal opinion of this article is, what stood […]

Rubric Research DesignRubric Research Design

   · 3-5 Pages (not including cover and reference pages) · Apa Format · English Summarize the benefits and limitations of the qualitative, quantitative, and mixed focus research method Write a self-reflection on the importance of using research action in the Social Work profession

Management trendManagement trend

Post an analysis of a current management trend. First, describe the trend and discuss the benefits as well as the challenges and opportunities it poses. Then, explain the implications of the trend for social workers in management positions. Finally, describe how you would leverage this trend as a future manager or leader. 

Social Science assignmentSocial Science assignment

Task 1. The Client Compose a succinct description of a client. This is an invented client. Could be a composite of many people you have known. You might consider a superhero or famous movie character or even someone from Shakespeare’s plays. No matter what client you decide you can also decide on their age, decide […]


part 1 (8-10 sentences) The view that religion, as a source of moral guidance and social support, can function to prevent or protect individuals, especially children, and adolescents, from a range of deviant and delinquent behaviors is largely (but not completely) born out in sociocultural scholarship. In nations with strong religious identities such as the […]

Social Study ClassSocial Study Class

1. According to Hackett Fischer from what parts of Africa did slaves brought to the United States originate? What is significant about the pattern he describes? 2. What is a “cluster”? Why is the discovery of “clusters” a bit of a surprise according to Hackett Fischer considering how you answered question 1? 3. What is […]

soci320 db7soci320 db7

USE THE LINKS BELOW TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING discussion QUESTION IN AT LEAST 150 WORDS. THIS IS A DISCUSSION, BE FORMAL AND USE REFERENCES WHEN NECESSARY I told a few of you and all of you probably in my intro that my husband has Multiple Sclerosis. He has been in pain for 20 years. This […]