Discipline: Social Science

US & Iran coup d’etatUS & Iran coup d’etat

Question: In 600 words, respond to the prompt: Why did the President Eisenhower decide to join Great Britain in overthrowing the Iranian government in contrast to President Truman who refused to do so? What had changed? Was it the right choice? Instructions are in word document.


Topic: Mothering Using the KWL Strategy K-  What do you already know about this topic, How did you know about it? W-  What do you intend to know/learn about this topic. What interest you the most and what are you curious about. and why do you want to know about it? L-  After your findings, […]

Interview 3Interview 3

Create an interview questions with brief answers for a pregnant woman or a newly mother. Ask and answer questions like: 1. Do you get maternity leave? How long 2. Does it seem like the father will be a part of the child’s life? 3. do you have other people in your life who will offer […]

week5 discussion basicskillsweek5 discussion basicskills

  Identify one to two self-care activities that you would find relaxing for each of the following five senses. Make this your personal set of self-care activities: Sight: Choose something that you would watch or view (e.g., watching a sunset or seeing your children play in the yard). Hear: Choose an activity that incorporates sounds […]

US & Iran coupUS & Iran coup

Question: In 600 words, respond to the prompt: Why did the President Eisenhower decide to join Great Britain in overthrowing the Iranian government in contrast to President Truman who refused to do so? What had changed? Was it the right choice? Instructions are in word document.

soci320 db 8asoci320 db 8a

USE THE LINKS BELOW TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION IN AT LEAST 150 WORDS We might start here. https://www.thoughtco.com/deviance-and-mental-illness-3026266 You could also take a look at this Cliff Notes version of the sociological perspective of health. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/sociology/health-and-medicine/sociological-perspective-on-health Why is what sociologists do so important to mental health and the treatment of it in our society? Review page […]

Social Science Assignment I – See attachment for specific assignment details!!Social Science Assignment I – See attachment for specific assignment details!!

The written assignment gives you the opportunity to situate the organization (structure and the social issue that is targeted), identify an organizational problem, challenge, or opportunity in your field placement (or human service organization you know well), determine a solution grounded in theory or practice model, strategize for implementing the solution (organizational change), and specify […]