Discipline: Social Science


Topic:  Sex, Love, and Romance K- What you already know about this topic, how did you know it, does anything look familiar? W- What one would like to know or learn about this topic (at least 3 things), what are you curious about and why you want to know about it. L- What you learn […]


Locate a news article that is relevant and fits to any of the chapter topics below, then  1. summarize the article, 2. explain how the article is relevant to the chosen chapter topic you pick  from the listed,  3. reflect your personal opinion of the article, what stood out to you, and what the article […]


 Professional statement.  answer the following questions (3-4 pages). Please use headings for each question. Without disclosing personal information, what are the reasons and experiences that led you to choose social work as a profession? What are your social work career interests? What are your personal strengths that you can bring to this profession? How have […]

need by tomorrowneed by tomorrow

This week, we will continue our discussions about the major ethnic groups within the cultural context of the United States. Heritage, values, beliefs, and acculturative experiences have an impact on an individual’s views of others. It is imperative for the counselor to be able to identify cultural implications that may come up when working with […]