Discipline: Social Science

Review of the Strong Interest Inventory and the Skills Confidence InventoryReview of the Strong Interest Inventory and the Skills Confidence Inventory

 Review the Strong Interest Inventory and Skills Confidence Inventory from this week’s readings. Provide a description of what the chosen inventory measures, including what it can and cannot determine. Incorporate Osborn’s (2012) cross-cultural research, which you can find on the Week 7: Aptitude and Career AssessmentLinks to an external site. reading list, to address ethical […]

Advances in Healthcare TechnologyAdvances in Healthcare Technology

Write a 4-6  in which you: Determine three key health care services that could be delivered by telehealth in rural communities. Examine three technologies applied in telehealth for the delivery of three selected health care services. Critique how interoperability requirements applied to telehealth improve the delivery of three selected health care services. Examine how Health […]

Briefly DiscussBriefly Discuss

 1. Do you think Marijuana should be legal throughout the U.S.?  There are numerous reasons on both sides of the argument, reference at least 2 factual based articles/research for your argument.  2.  What is an example of an existing prevention program for substance abuse/ mental disorders? Explain the program, benefits. and limitations. 3. Why is […]