Discipline: Social Science

social studiessocial studies

  What are invisible disabilities? Give some examples, and share your thoughts on how persons with such disabilities can be integrated into their communities. An excellent response will consist of at least 2-3 paragraphs. 


ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN AT LEAST 250 WORDS USING THE DOCUMENTS AS A REFERENCE.  As Americans with our vast wealth and technology, we often stereotype hunter-gatherers like the Bushmen as ‘primitive.’  But how long could you do it?  No running water, no automobiles, and (gasp!) no cell phones!  Most of the skills and things […]

need by tomorrowneed by tomorrow

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  What makes California society unique in its variety of socioeconomic positions? How do you, as a counselor, prepare to serve clients with such a wide variety of differences and needs? How can you apply the multicultural competencies serving California populations? How would you approach working […]


Answer the following question in at least 250 words using the link below as a reference.  For the Quechua, like all cultures, getting the groceries that sustain life requires labor- a lot of labor. In Quechua society, how is that labor organized? Who does what? How is work divided in your household?