Discipline: Social Science


Use the Backyard Big Band instructions and worksheet. Type all observations in the worksheet (last page), save the file and then upload the file.

Ethical/Legal and Cultural Considerations in Assessment & Assessment Qualification LevelsEthical/Legal and Cultural Considerations in Assessment & Assessment Qualification Levels

 Review the qualification levels for the use of psychological assessment presented in Naugle’s “Counseling and Testing” in this week’s study activity. Compare these qualifications to your state laws or rules in your specialization to determine your qualification level, and describe what type of assessments you may be qualified to administer with appropriate training and supervision […]


 It is critical to be proactive in creating specific solicitation strategies for new and/or existing “small–medium” donors. These individual donors (usually $1–$499 annual gifts) are an important base of support. Over time they may become major donors. Given meaningful cultivation and education strategies, they may also increase the size of their donations over time. They […]

Social Science M7: Picture Comparison – AssignmentSocial Science M7: Picture Comparison – Assignment

  Picture Comparison – Assignment Instructions: Compare two images: Swing Dancers and Bebop performance. The images are found in the “Bebop” Module 7 online introductory materials. Consider both the musicians and members of the audience and answer the following questions: What can you conclude regarding changes from the Swing Era to the Bebop period? Which […]

Exegetical Research Help ServiceExegetical Research Help Service

   Bible Study Project: Application Template Passage: Acts 9:36-43 A. What points of application can be made using the “Four Questions for Application?” State and explain 1 point of application for each of these four questions. Your explanation for each of these points should be 1 paragraph (150-300 words) in length.  1. The question of […]