Discipline: Social Science

Garifuna Culture & Hispanic CultureGarifuna Culture & Hispanic Culture

 Make your assessment of the “Garifuna Culture” as it relates to “Hispanic Culture”. You must compare and contrast the similarities or differences that are shared by the “Hispanic Cultural” practices.  If there are no identifiable common “Culture” traits, then explain.  MLA Format- 1,000 words.  Include a cover page containing your name, class title, etc. and […]


  1) Find a recent news article discussing a social issue and related policy (copy the link and paste in your post). 2) Employ EITHER the multiple streams framework OR the narrative policy framework to break down what is contributing to the policies being implemented or discussed. (Hint: Using either framework will require discussion of […]


  This assignment will explore Ellis’s Irrational Beliefs, but if you have read the chapter on Existentialism you will see the tie in. READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.  First:  Complete this worksheet.  You may print it out or download the word doc and answer the questions on the word doc.  You do not need to submit this […]


  During our class introductions, I asked you to share your professional goals and which population(s)/social issues you are most passionate about. Please briefly remind the class about your goals/interests and then answer the following question: How will knowledge of policy analysis tools be beneficial for your future work and the changes you hope to […]


 Cultivation strategies should be customized for each type of donor, based on the ability of the organization’s infrastructure to create and maintain donor relationships as well as the needs of the donor types. Creating and maintaining meaningful relationships with individual donors may be a bit different than doing the same with foundation staff or government […]

Social Science assignment 1Social Science assignment 1

Frank Taylor’s automobile dealership has a number of high-achieving salespeople who could be described as extreme Type A personalities. Unfortunately, several of them are experiencing stress-related physical problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and migraine headaches. You have been hired to develop a stress reduction program incorporating both relaxation techniques and physical exercises that can […]

need in 1.5 hoursneed in 1.5 hours

700- to 1,050-word self-critique of your session in which you analyze your skills and identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth in the following areas: Body Language Eye Contact Minimal Encouragers Tone of Voice Verbal Following Open Questions Paraphrase Reflection of Feeling Summarizing