310 W5



Discussion Questions: 1) In your own words, construct an overview of the critical information sector you choose for this discussion. 

2) Examine at least three of the following:

  • Unique aspects as they relate to national security
  • Risks/threats/hazards/vulnerabilities related to national security
  • Potential countermeasures/mitigations related to continuity of operations
  • Minimizing disruption and improving first responder safety
  • Cross-sector dependencies/interdependencies 

3) Give your opinion on how either a physical attack, a cyber event, or a natural disaster could impact critical infrastructure.


1  The public health sector is closely related to national security in several ways, as the health and well-being of a nation’s population are integral to its overall security and stability. Here are some key aspects of how the public health sector is linked to national security; biological threats and pandemic preparedness, healthcare infrastructure, economic stability, food safety, health information and security, preparedness.

The emergence of infectious diseases, bioterrorism, and pandemics poses significant threats to national security. Public health agencies play a critical role in detecting, monitoring, and responding to these threats to prevent their spread and mitigate their impact. A robust and resilient healthcare system is essential for national security. In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks, a well-functioning healthcare system can save lives and help restore order. A healthy population is vital for a nation’s economic stability. A disease outbreak or a health crisis can disrupt the workforce, strain healthcare resources, and lead to economic losses. A strong public health system contributes to economic security. Ensuring the safety and security of the food supply chain is essential for public health and national security. Contaminated or tampered food can have wide-reaching consequences. Public health agencies collect and analyze health data to monitor trends and detect potential outbreaks. Developing and testing response plans and coordinating with public health agencies are essential components of this preparedness.

Vulnerabilities related to national security in the public health sector can have far-reaching consequences, as they can compromise a nation’s ability to respond effectively to health emergencies and protect its population. Some of these vulnerabilities include; pandemic preparedness, biological threats, supply chain disruptions and cybersecurity threats.

Inadequate preparedness for pandemics and large-scale health crises can leave a nation vulnerable to the rapid spread of infectious diseases, as witnessed with the COVID-19 pandemic. A lack of stockpiled medical supplies, insufficient healthcare infrastructure, and delays in implementing response measures can exacerbate the impact of a pandemic. The intentional release of biological agents (bioterrorism) or the accidental release of dangerous pathogens from laboratories can pose significant national security risks. Vulnerabilities in biosecurity measures, such as securing high-containment laboratories and monitoring dangerous pathogens, can lead to the unintentional spread of diseases. The global supply chain for medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and personal protective equipment is susceptible to disruptions due to various factors, including geopolitical tensions and natural disasters. Dependence on foreign suppliers can make a nation vulnerable during health emergencies. Public health agencies and healthcare systems collect and store sensitive patient data. Cyberattacks on these systems can compromise patient privacy and disrupt healthcare services during critical times. Ransomware attacks targeting healthcare facilities can be especially disruptive.

To address vulnerabilities in the public health sector as they relate to national security, a range of countermeasures and mitigation’s can be implemented. These strategies aim to enhance the resilience and preparedness of public health systems to respond effectively to health emergencies and protect the well-being of the population. Here are potential countermeasures and mitigations; pandemic preparedness and response, biosecurity and bioterrorism prevention, and diversifying the supply chain.

Develop and regularly update comprehensive pandemic preparedness plans that include strategies for early detection, rapid response, and resource allocation. Stockpile essential medical supplies, including personal protective equipment, ventilators, and vaccines, and maintain mechanisms for their rapid distribution. Establish surge capacity in healthcare facilities to accommodate a sudden influx of patients during a health crisis. Strengthen biosecurity measures in laboratories handling dangerous pathogens, including strict access controls, rigorous training, and regular security assessments. Diversify sources of essential medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to reduce dependence on a single supplier or region.

We are entirely too vulnerable to cyber attacks, you read about ransomware events way too often. The impact of a cyber attack is deadly and threatens our national security, we must take steps to mitigate these threats

2  Critical manufacturing is a hidden and essential part of the overall security of the nation. Critical manufacturing includes making specialized parts and machinery for the military, transportation sectors, and even the healthcare system Baggett, & Simpkins, 2018).  Being able to take raw materials and turn them into useful items for various infrastructure sectors is crucial to keeping the critical infrastructure sectors operating efficiently. This places a high demand upon this sector to always remain functional without disruption because without this sector, the others would begin to fail one by one.

The critical manufacturing sector is part of the larger machine keeping national security functioning. This sector provides the necessary resources for the military and intelligence communities to perform their jobs. Without these resources and materials, the agencies who rely upon the parts it provides would be left vulnerable to attacks and lack of equipment to respond to an attack of any kind. Imagine if the military could not deploy certain assets because they were missing the parts for their specialized equipment or perhaps, the homeland cyber security department did not get their shipment of necessary parts to keep their computers operational. If the engine in the aircraft carrier is missing one crucial component, the ship is not going anywhere. These examples only scratch the surface of how vulnerable the nation would be without the critical manufacturing that happens daily. Everything from a terrorist attack, a cyber attack, or even a physical attack would all compromise the critical manufacturing plants. Each of the other sectors all rely upon parts of some kind to maintain their state of readiness and functionality, but this dependency upon critical manufacturing can be a double edged sword. If critical manufacturing ceases, eventually so will the rest of the critical infrastructure sectors (NIPP, 2015). 

The critical manufacturing plants are all over the country and some are in places where there is a chance a natural disaster can happen. If a natural disaster were to happen and it destroyed the manufacturing plant, then all the raw materials stored within would be wasted. All the shipments would not make it out for delivery and many other sectors would not receive their supplies. On a small scale a natural disaster would impact the local area, but on a larger scale the entirety of the critical infrastructures would be affected. Toss a pebble into a pond and the ripples get larger the farther away from the epicenter they expand. It works the same way with critical manufacturing and critical infrastructure. 


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