The assignment is credit/no credit and you will receive 30 points once you earn you credit (and if you go above and beyond you can earn 10 points of extra credit).

  • Each answer should be a paragraph to several paragraphs long and fully address all parts of the question
  • If your answer(s) are either inaccurate or are not sufficiently thorough you may be allowed to do a redo depending on the quality of your attempt
  • This assignment is due on Sunday, no late work is accepted.

if you would like to download a sample of a very good After the Fact answer from an actual student in U.S. History 2.

So first you need to read the chapter, and then answer the following 3 questions:

  1. What experiences did John Smith write about? How much veracity is there to what he recorded about his experiences?
  2. Who was Sir Edwin Sandys, and how did his policies and reforms impact the colony?
  3. Why was labor critical to the boom economy, and in what ways did planters acquire that labor? What kinds of abuses did the labor system spawn?


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