4.3 Discussion Post for Maus I, chps. 1-3


Identity as Construct

In the graphic memoir, Maus, Spiegelman raises the theme of identity repeatedly as Vladek and others have to shift and change their identity to evade capture and to survive. As Spiegelman constructs Vladek’s identity as a soldier and prisoner of war, he also constructs Artie’s identity in relationship to Vladek because Artie acts somewhat like a journalist, interviewing his father and recording and eventually publishing his experiences. Identity is not the only theme working in the text, however. Memory, racism/antisemitism, and language are also present in the text, and each works with the theme of identity in different ways.

For This Discussion Post

Compose an initial discussion post in which you examine identity as tied to one other theme, memory, racism/antisemitism, or language. Next go on to discuss your reaction to the text so far. Consider using a three-paragraph structure for this discussion post:

  • Paragraph 1: Introduce your two themes and state how they work together.
    • Focus on one theme: memory, racism/antisemitism, or language
    • Present textual examples (meaning quotes) and visual analysis to make your argument stronger
  • Paragraph 2: Transition to the theme of identity
    • Connect identity to the theme you discussed above.
    • Demonstrate how identity works with the first theme by presenting specific textual and visual examples (meaning quotes) to make your argument stronger.
  • Paragraph 3: Transition to your reaction to the text so far
    • Having done a bit of literary analysis based on themes, what do you feel you have learned about the text?
    • How aware were you of the Holocaust and the history of Nazi Germany before reading this text?
    • How has your viewpoint changed because of the text?

Initial posts should be, at minimum, 250-300 words in length.

Use Appropriate Citations

Finally, because we are using quotes for these posts, in-text and a works cited citation is expected. Whenever you use quotes, in-text and works cited citations are always required.


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