5.1 hd


Respond to two colleagues by identifying and explaining at least one specific strength of their approach. Then, respectfully evaluate the extent to which their approach reflects knowledge of human behavior and the social environment and ethical practice.

Use the Learning Resources to support your response posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

1 meg-  I think that I did well to address the multiple needs of the client. She is not only navigating her sexual identity, but she is also facing health concerns. This can be particularly stressful, especially when they are happening at the same time in her life. I think I did well to be empathetic and provide options to her, as well as reassure her that I am here to support her and help navigate the variety of challenges she is facing, offering support, and allowing her to give direction for how she would like to proceed. I found it very challenging to say everything I wanted to say in such a short period of time and may have spoken very quickly to say all that I wanted to say. Practice skills that I displayed in this video include empathy, respecting the person and their right to autonomy, working with the client to set goals, providing a non-judgmental and respectful environment, and offering resources. 

2 jen- When I was responding to Sharon, I thought about how she was feeling, what she was going through, and that questioning your sexuality can be a difficult process for anyone.  I wanted Sharon to know that I heard her concerns, understood what her stresses were, and that I wanted to reassure her that I could be there to support her and discuss how she wanted to proceed. I also wanted to give her praise for knowing that she does want to have this discussion with her family and friends so that she can live her truth.  


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