

Respond to two colleagues:

  • Compare your approaches and insights related to the Privilege for Sale activity.
  • Ask a probing question that will help you gain a deeper understanding of their response to the video and/or activity.

If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


he Voices of Diversity discussion featuring Kathy Purnell, Dr. Chris Cotten, and Dr. Kim Kick delved into the complexities of discussing gender and sexuality, uncovering the challenges faced by individuals in these conversations. As someone hailing from Nigeria, where discussions and practices related to LGBTQ+ are often kept hidden due to the harsh repercussions of exposure, such as imprisonment and physical harm, this discussion deeply struck a chord with me. A vital takeaway from the conversation was the importance of critically examining our biases and preconceived notions, while simultaneously fostering understanding and empathy within diverse communities. The discourse sheds light on the struggles individuals encounter when addressing matters of gender and sexuality, which are often influenced by religious beliefs, limited exposure, and discomfort stemming from reducing multifaceted identities to mere sexual aspects.

Participating in the Privilege for Sale exercise was both shocking and informative, offering a thorough understanding of the variety of privileges linked with sexual orientation and gender identity. It was eye-opening to realize that I had some advantages that others in the LGBTQ+ community may not have. This project inspired me to consider my degree of privilege and the necessity of identifying and appreciating the advantages I have. Among the benefits provided, I would have chosen (1) marriage celebrations with family and friends, (2) paid vacation to grieve the death of a spouse, (14) the ability to travel or show ID without fear of rejection, and (20) raising children without fear of governmental involvement. This heightened understanding emphasizes the importance of resolving the LGBTQ+ community’s legal and social disadvantages. State and federal legislation have a significant impact on the experiences of LGBTQ+ people. Social workers must recognize the need to campaign for inclusive legislation that protects the rights of this population (Marsiglia et al., 2021).

To be a successful ally with the LGBTQ+ group, it is vital to constantly improve awareness of personal prejudices and attitudes, educate oneself about LGBTQ+ culture, and support legislation that protects their rights (Marsiglia et al., 2021). This necessitates ongoing activism and self-reflection that extends beyond the LGBTQ+ community to all facets of life (Ferguson & Miville, 2017). As a social worker, it is critical to understand the obstacles and barriers experienced by the LGBTQ+ community to promote their well-being and protect their fundamental rights in the area of social work (Marsiglia et al., 2021). As a social worker, I must actively play the role of an ally by supporting social justice and equality for those in this community.


Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences of gender and sexuality. What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?

The part of the video that resonated with me the most in the Voices of Diversity video was where Dr. Kim Kick discussed the difficulties and discomfort around gender and sexuality. She addresses the fact that different communities have different thoughts on gender and sexuality, so it is a topic that is often not talked about which means that we fail to give people context for having that conversation (Voices of Diversity, 2021). This really stuck with me because this is what happened to me and most people in my small community. I feel uncomfortable with these conversations not because it goes against my personal views, but rather because I just never learned context. 

Then, describe your approach to the Privilege for Sale activity and any challenges you encountered in selecting privileges. Describe at least one insight you gained from the activity.

The Privilege for Sale activity was extremely challenging for me. Everything on the list, as an individual that is part of the majority, did not feel like a privilege but rather just something this is a given because they are not things that I ever had to go without. I kept trying to prioritize them going back and getting frustrated due to not wanting to give up any of them. This was really eye opening because I think it is easy for us, especially me as being part of the majority, to state that we should have equality and want to advocate for that, but then also overlook what we take advantage of having if we have never been without. 

Apply your learning to social work practice with the LGBTQ population and to allyship.

The Voices of Diversity helped me recognize where discomfort in talking about gender identity and sexuality comes from and it is a lot about a lack of knowledge and awareness. In my small community, where sexuality and gender is not discussed nearly enough, we are not providing context and therefore making the discussion for many uncomfortable. Part of being an ally for the LGBTQIA+ population means that as a social worker I must first be able to recognize the issue, but then I need to be able to act on it (Allyship in Social Work, 2021). This means providing support, educating, and even advocating for changes at a macro level (Allyship in Social Work, 2021).


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