6-2 Journal: Prison Conditions


In this assignment, you will reflect on gender diversity in prison populations and how federal policies have impacted sexual violence in corrections.


In a speech presented at the NAACP Conference in 2015, former President Barack Obama stated, “We should not tolerate conditions in prison that have no place in any civilized country.” Now that you’ve reviewed the resources for this module, you have a better understanding of the impact of gender diversity on prison populations and how federal policies have impacted sexual violence in corrections. In this 150- to 300-word journal, address the following:

  • What prison conditions might President Obama have been referring to?
  • How might these prison conditions contribute to sexual violence in prisons? Consider the differences for men, women, and persons who identify as LGBTQ in your response.
  • Which federal policies have been created in an effort to improve prison conditions?
  • How might these federal policies help to improve prison conditions? Consider the impact of these policies for men, women, and persons who identify as LGBTQ.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Identify the prison conditions referred to by President Obama.
  • Explain how these conditions may contribute to sexual violence in prisons (for men, women, and persons who identify as LGBTQ).
  • Identify federal policies that have been created to address the prison conditions identified above.
  • Explain how these federal policies can help to alleviate these prison conditions.

What to Submit

This assignment must be 150 to 300 words in length. Any references must be cited in APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Note: For journal assignments, you can receive a Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident score on each of your rubric criteria. There is no Exemplary score for this assignment, because you will receive feedback and make revisions to improve beyond proficiency in these concepts.


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