

Respond to two colleagues by explaining one way in which your colleagues’ experiences could inform and/or influence their social work practice.

If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


Describe your own experiences with social class and classism. Provide an example to illustrate.

Growing up, I was living in a rather poor household. My mother worked multiple part time jobs while also raising my brothers and I alone. We ate whatever was put in front of us and it was expected that we did not complain even if it wasn’t something that we liked. On the very rare occasion we got to get fast food, my mom would order 6 of whatever was on the dollar menu rather than getting happy meals or anything of the sorts like I saw friends do. She was rarely home because she always had to work. When she was home she was really stressed out. We did not get government assistance because the one time she applied she was denied. This one experience made her feel embarrassed, angry, and determined to do it all on her own so she just picked up more jobs. She did not graduate high school, so her goal for us that she would push was to just graduate and get a job. One of my brothers did not graduate, two of my brothers graduated and got jobs, and I joined the military. My mom was always struggling and this was something I was determined to get away from. I did not know how at the time because I was always terrible at school work, but one day I woke up and decided military was the way to go for me and that’s exactly what I did. 

Then, after reviewing your Week 1 Who I Am video, explain whether you referred to social class in your video. Why or why not?

In the Who Am I video I definitely talked about my social class. My experiences make up who I am and they are what pushed me to get to this point in my life. My mom worked 3-4 jobs at a time while trying to raise my siblings and I on her own. Not having her around much and always being under a significant amount of stress when she was home is exactly what pushed me to get to this point in my life. I wanted to be sure that my kids had more than I had. I wanted to be around but also be able to give them experiences that I didn’t get. I also wanted to be able to help others. Way too many people get in this cycle from generation to generation because they don’t know any other way or were never told they could do more, so after I got out of the military I went on to go to school and have been working on getting to that point that I can be that person for someone that helps promote their well-being and reach their potential. 


  • Describe your own experiences with social class and classism. Provide an example to illustrate. 

Social class governs many of the life changes that determine opportunities for a long life and decent quality of living (Marsiglia,2021). According to Marsiglia, 2021 Classism is based on the belief that working-class people and poor people in general inarticulate, lack education and need the leadership and guidance of the educated class. Growing i attended public schools, my mother currently and has always worked in the curing field and from what I can remember she was the parent who brought in the most money in the home. My sibling and I always had nice clothing and we took a lot of trips. I noticed that other children at my school during elementary and middle years I did notice that other students would express their living conditions and how parents did not work. I don’t think that because I went to public school I was at a disadvantage. In 2007 my mother was sick, and I noticed how when asking for thing there was a shift. My father has always been in my life but because of him not being able to work my mother took on a bigger role. During my high school year with my other sibling no longer in the home and my mother having to relocate us, I began to work and find ways to provide for myself.  

  • Then, after reviewing your Week 1 Who I Am video, explain whether you referred to social class in your video. Why or why not? 

After reviewing my video, I did not mention my social class in my Week 1 Who I am video. During my video I focused more on cultural background. I discussed how I was raised by my parents and how that played a role in who I am today. After completing this week’s reading, I do see that social class plays a factor into who we are and how we view ourselves.  


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