7-2 Final Project Submission: Project Proposal – Adaptive Project Management Framework Design

Project management requires careful situational analysis and consideration of your customer requirements, the project that needs to be tackled, and the information that exists at the planning stage. It is argued that there are instances in which traditional methods will not cut it, in which case project managers may elect to take an adaptive management approach. This course will lay the foundation for you to think critically about real-world projects that may require special handling.

Your final project for this course will require you to apply your knowledge of both traditional and nontraditional (adaptive) project management methods and approaches. You will select a scenario from the three options provided that involves managing a business project and analyzing the customer requirements and the information known (as well as that which is unknown) to determine whether an adaptive project management (APM) or a traditional project management (TPM) approach would be the most appropriate. As this is an APM course, you will have to explain what shortcomings of TPM and what benefits of APM led you to an APM approach.

You will then design an adaptive project management framework, integrating various methods and techniques you feel would be beneficial for the situation from the scenario. Throughout, you will be expected to defend your claims and decisions and clearly determine what from the scenario caused you to make your selections.

You will have two options for submission: an APA formatted report, or a presentation with accompanying speaker notes to ensure that you address all of the pieces of the prompt below.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Differentiate between traditional project management and adaptive project management principles and practices by analyzing key components of each
  • Determine the best project management methods for use in complex and evolving projects by analyzing project and customer requirements
  • Select the best adaptive methods for use in project management based on situational analysis and iterative development considerations
  • Design adaptive project management frameworks for real-world scenarios that successfully integrate adaptive, agile, and iterative management techniques

Your adaptive project management framework should answer the following prompt: For the situation/scenario selected, develop an adaptive framework for managing the project that is being tackled. Considering the variety of adaptive techniques and processes that have been utilized for other projects, and the various schools of thought in adaptive project management, what techniques would you integrate into a management framework for the scenario you have selected?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Introduction:
    1. Scenario: Analyze the situation, givens, and customer requirements from the scenario you selected. Make sure you clearly identify the necessary information (both “knowns and unknowns”) and the project type.
    2. Project Management Approaches: Analyze the key principles and stakeholders behind traditional project management (TPM) and adaptive project management (APM), providing detailed explanation and examples for clarity.
    3. Traditional Project Management (TPM): Describe the key roles and responsibilities of the members of a TPM team and the key elements of traditional project planning, scheduling, and monitoring functions and how the triple constraint is handled in TPM.
  2. Approach Selection: Based on your situation/scenario analysis, and your analysis of the traditional and adaptive management elements, which approach would best serve the project? Be sure to provide a comprehensive defense of your selection that cites specifics from your analysis.
  3. Framework:
    1. Analyze three nontraditional project management frameworks and identify the capabilities and limitations of each.
    2. Determine the most appropriate type of nontraditional framework for your project, providing a thorough defense of your selection.
    3. What aspects from other adaptive management approaches would you find useful for this project? Explain why you either chose to stay within the bounds of the adaptive framework you identified above or chose to incorporate a variety of elements into your own framework.
  4. Framework Design: Synthesize knowledge of APM types to develop a framework to apply to your real-world project situation. You will need to identify any special methods you intend to integrate into the framework type that you selected and explain why you chose to integrate these methods.
    1. Design a logical adaptive project management framework that includes agile and iterative management techniques.
    2. Assess effectiveness of the chosen method of APM for refinement and reutilization. Be sure to defend your claims.

You will have two options for submission of your final project: You may create a presentation with detailed speaker notes and appropriately cited resources, or you may create a report in APA format. Regardless of your choice, your submission should be of professional quality and clear, without spelling, grammar, or citation errors. 


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