8-2 Final Project Milestone Four: Communication Plan

In Module Eight, you will submit a communication plan that addresses and summarizes the importance of a security awareness program. How can it enhance the success of the organization? The goal of the communication plan is to find and implement messaging strategies to gain senior management’s buy-in and support of the security program. Cyber laws, personally identifiable information breaches and implications, costs of security breaches, and advantages of awareness programs should be addressed. The plan should also include how the awareness training and security policies and procedures will improve the security posture and culture throughout the organization.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. What messaging strategies should be used to ensure that stakeholders understand, buy into, and support the continuous improvement of your proposed security awareness program? Provide specific examples of the types of communication you are proposing.
  2. In a broader sense, how would you convince diverse stakeholders of the overall need for a healthy security culture? How do you make it real and relevant for nontechnical audiences?

What to Submit

Your paper should be submitted as a four- to five-page Microsoft Word document, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins, in APA format.


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