8-2 Lab: Log Analysis of Linux Systems with GREP and GAWK: Linux Based Security+


Log in to InfoSec to complete the labs below and take screenshots at the steps below:

  1. Nmap Analysis Using Grep – Parsing Nmap Reports With CLI – Step 10 – grep with Open ports
  2. NMAP ANALYSIS USING GREP – Parsing Nmap Reports With Scripts – Step 7- Parsing Report
  3. Log Analysis Using Grep – Step 9 – Access Log File and Curl
  4. Log Analysis Using Gawk – Using gawk With Logs – Step 6 – Names of New Users
  5. FTP Log Analysis – FTP Access Analysis – Step 5 – Log Output of Failed Attempts

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Lab Guidelines and Rubric. Refer to the Course Lab Guidelines PDF document to view the screenshots you will need to take to complete this lab. Screenshots must include your name and date. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment in a Microsoft Word document with the associated screenshots for grading and instructor feedback.


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