American Gov


Instructions for M6: Assignment

State governments are organized similarly to the federal government. In Maryland, the legislative branch is called the General Assembly (instead of Congress), and it includes the state Senate and the state House of Delegates (instead of the House of Representatives).  Review the organization of the General Assembly at Organization of Maryland Assembly

Review the new laws that took effect July 1, 2023 – Maryland Laws, 2023. (You can also review the laws taking effect on July 1, 2022 – Maryland Laws, 2022). Find one new law that interests you, and click on the blue link next to the law name. (HB stands for House Bill, and SB stands for Senate Bill.)

Answer the following questions.

(Remember that the assignments are not about personal opinions; instead, we are critically examining the viewpoints based on the context of the time – historically, political, social/cultural – not based on our modern views.)

Question 1: What is the title of the new law you selected? Provide the URL from the website.

Question 2: Explain the new law in one or two paragraphs.

Question 3: What was the original committee or committees that reviewed the bill?

Question 4: Click on the link next to Analysis – Fiscal and Policy Note. What is the fiscal impact?

Question 5: What interested or surprised you about this new law?

Question 6: How does this assignment relate to Module 6 (Chapters 14 and 15)? What did you learn? Be specific and refer to the textbook.


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