annotated biblography for role of emotional intellegience



must be grounded in appropriate, adequate, and timely academic literature, either scholarly journal articles from Google Scholar or your online library.(within the last five years).

  • minimum of 5 articles (not webpages) under 5 years old ( so 2018 or after for date of publication), either scholarly journal articles from Google Scholar will be used in article creation, and the sources used should represent the best available on the topic.

  • APA 7th edition Reference Page. the format must be correctly applied

Elements of Annotated Bibliography


  • Place the annotation directly below the associated reference entry
  • Double-space space entire annotation, including the reference. Do not place any additional spaces in between entries.
  • Indent the annotation by 5 in. (one tab key) from the left margin. If you have more than one paragraph, indent the second and subsequent paragraphs an additional 0.5 inches.
  • Arrange the entries in alphabetical order (unless otherwise instructed)

Components of an Annotation

  • Provide a critical summary of the source listed in the reference
  • Length is generally five to seven sentences
  • Consider SEAR (Summarize, Evaluate, Assess, and Reflect) when writing your
    • Summarize the main idea of the source (two to four sentences).
    • Evaluate and Assess the source for its credibility, objectivity, reliability, and currency. Compare it to the other sources used in your bibliography (one to two sentences).
    • Reflect on the usefulness and relevancy of this source to your topic (one to two sentences).
  • You do not need to provide in-text citations for the work being annotated, as the origin of the source is listed directly above the annotation.


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