PowerPoint Submission:
For this assignment you will create and upload a PowerPoint presentation using the class PowerPoint template attached here: BA156 PowerPoint Template
For Assignment 5, you will research any persuasive business topic that you choose and then create a PowerPoint presentation on that topic. Your audience will be the business management team, so create the PowerPoint as if it is being viewed by a team of business managers. Your presentation should be convincing and inspire the management team to take action. You should conduct thorough research and use several varied and credible sources to ensure your information is accurate. Open the attached PowerPoint file for more information on each section of the presentation.
For example, let’s say you choose the persuasive topic of motivating your team. Your PowerPoint would include a background, tips for how to motivate your team, the benefits of doing so, why it is important, how this will help your business, recommendations on how your audience can begin doing this, and your references used. (Note: please do not use the “motivating your team” topic for your presentation, as it is the example given here). Brainstorm a persuasive business topic, and email me if you need input on selecting your topic. I would be glad to help.
The assignment contains the following parts, all of which must be delivered in a PowerPoint presentation:
- Download and personalize a copy of the attached class PowerPoint master template. The link is provided above and here: BA156 PowerPoint Template
- Using the pre-loaded pages of the PowerPoint file, create the presentation with the following sections: title, background, body, recommendations and references. Open the attached PowerPoint file for more information on each of these sections.
- Save and submit your final version.
Points will be deducted if the format and structure are not consistent with the PowerPoint template. The presentation must be constructed using formal language. Bullet points should be concise and clearly written. Remember that PowerPoint is a presentation speaking tool. The speaker can expand on what is discussed, and the bullet points should be as concise and clear as possible to convey the message being communicated. The PowerPoint should be easy to view and understand in a large conference room.