
Marriage and the Family




Joe and Mary are married for 6 years. Between them, they have five children. Both of them were previously married. Joe’s ex-wife claimed physical and mental abuse. Joe grew up with a physically abusive father and Mary lived with an over-possessive mother, was insecure, and suggest that ‘men cannot love.’ Mary has a six-month-old baby still breastfeeding. Joe is not happy when Mary is feeding the baby. There is a lack of communication between Mary and Joe when it comes to family issues. He becomes angry. Mary is afraid he will hurt the baby.

Joe had been physically abusive to his biological children. Where there is a conflict, Joe’s solution was physical punishment. He was never abusive to Mary or her biological children. Friends have indicated to Mary that Joe needs help, but Mary feels that Joe has changed.

Mary’s older daughter is afraid of Joe because her half-brother has told her stories of Joe’s behavior. Mary depends on Joe for financial support and feels that she cannot separate from him. Joe denies responsibility for former abuse and blames others for his behavior, and states that he loves Mary and his children. Joe and Mary have never discussed abuse.

All writing assignments, discussions, tests, examinations, and projects must be created in a narrative format. Bullets points and lists are unacceptable unless the bullet points and lists are followed by an extensive detailed description or explanation that follows the narrative format – at least a paragraph (6 sentences). 


Please follow these directions in the following order:

The first paragraph – Analyze the case

Second paragraph – Recommendations for Joe

Third paragraph – Recommendations for Mary

Fourth paragraph – Recommendations for the children

Lastly at least four APA in-text citations and references (at least one APA in-text citation and one reference for the analysis and one for each recommendation)

 Course Materials: Lamanna, Mary Ann and Agnes Riedmann. Marriages and Families, 13th ed. Cengage, 2018.ISBN: 978-128573697- 


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