
pply what you know about Watzlawick’s iceberg model of communication  to analyze the organizational culture at Netflix. To do this, you will  write a one-page paper, in which you identify examples of each of the  four variables of the organizational culture at Netflix, which are  defined in the prompt below. You will find these examples in the  following readings  about Netflix:

This task provides you with key insights that will assist you in  completing Section II: Cultural Analysis Overview of Milestone One.


Your submission must include these critical elements:

  1. Examples from the readings of the four variables of  the organizational culture at Netflix. The four variables are:  observable artifacts, espoused values, enacted values, and basic  assumptions, as defined by Kreitner & Kinicki (2013) in their book, Organizational Behavior
    • Observable Artifacts. These are observable  components of a company’s organizational culture, i.e., acronyms, manner  of dress, awards, myths, stories about the organization, published  lists of values, values reinforced via observable rituals and  ceremonies, decorations, company brand features, etc.
    • Espoused Values. These are the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by the organization.
    • Enacted Values. These are the values and norms  that are exhibited by the employees, which may be the same or differ  from the stated espoused values.
    • Basic Assumptions. These are the organizational  values that have become so taken for granted over time that they have  become assumptions that guide organizational behavior.
  2. Sources of the examples of each of the four variables from the readings.

What to Submit

Your chart must be submitted as a one-page Microsoft Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins   USE the EXAMPLE provided to help you 


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