Biology – Anatomy Food Log Assignment

I’ve already completed the food log and ran the reports, which I’ll attach here so you can use that data. Further directions for the assignment:

Once you’ve recorded your 10 days worth of food and drink, you will analyze your results and
type out a 3-4 page summary of your findings. The paper should be typed in 12 pt font and
double spaced.
In your summary please discuss the following:
For each of these macro and micronutrients (calories, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber,
protein, sodium and fats and 2 vitamins and minerals), compare and contrast your
intake to the recommendations (compare your graph to the recommended
amount). Are they similar? Why or why not? What specific changes could you make to your diet to improve this (use specific examples of foods to increase or decrease in your diet)?
1. Calories (5pts)
2. Carbohydrates (5pts)
3. Sugars (5pts) Unfortunately, MyFitnessPal does not differentiate between naturally
occurring sugars and added sugars.
4. Protein (5 pts) The protein recommendation given by My FitnessPal is generally
inaccurate (too high). Please compare this to your personal protein needs, as completed
when we covered protein. (Mine was 85.9 and fitness pal puts me at 40, so it’s actually less than I need, not more)
5. Fiber (5pts)
6. Sodium (5 pts)
7. Fat (5 pts)
8. Choose 1 additional vitamins or minerals from the drop down menu (5 pts).
a. ** If you choose a vitamin or mineral that displays as a %RDA, this means
100 (the red line) = 100% = the RDA for this nutrient. Please look up and
list the actual RDA for this micronutrient, being sure to include its unit
value (mg or mcg).
9. After looking at these things, how do you feel about your overall diet? Do you feel that
any changes should be made? Why or why not? How would specific changes affect
your health? (10 pts)


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