Biology Assignment – Organ Systems Website Recommendation Blog

Part 1: Initial Blog Post on an Organ System

Now that you have had a chance to study the organ systems of the body, choose one system and research it further. Find a credible and reliable, scientific website that augments what you have already learned about that particular organ system. No duplicate websites are permitted.

[NOTE: Neither open resources nor open blogs can be used as sources of information; see ‘Researching Information’ within the class for more information on appropriate credible/reliable sources of information]. 

[Not citing a specific reliable academic/scientific resource is an automatic 10 point deduction].

Share the website with the class by writing a full paragraph summary (150 words minimum) of what you have learned or have found particularly helpful when reviewing the website. Do not copy and paste directly from the website. This blog should be written in your own words.  Also required within the initial blog post is sharing the website (specific URL) and what you have learned from this resource and/or have found particularly helpful when reviewing the website.  Do not copy and paste directly from the website. This blog should be written in your own words.Any content and paraphrased information from the resource (URL) must be properly cited per APA including the specific URL (website) you are recommending.  The blog post must be directly posted in the classroom; please do not upload a Word document only.  

The initial blog post is strongly suggested to be posted by 11:59 p.m. ET Thursday of Week 3.

Part 2: Response Blog Post
Peruse some of the Blog entries made by your fellow classmates. Choose at least one that you found useful and comment on how the website helped you with this week’s content. The comment should be 100 words minimum.
For Part 2 posting the Blog Response Post to a fellow classmate, click the “Week 3 Assignment – Organ Systems Website Recommendation Blog” to enter the assignment. The screen will refresh and on the right side will be a black bar with “Blog details” on it and below that will be your name and a down arrow. Click the arrow and all the people who have posted blog posts will be listed. Read through the post by selecting the fellow student’s name and the screen will refresh – scroll to bottom and on the bottom left will be the student’s blog post. When ready to respond, click “Comment” at the end of the blog post and then a space will open below the blog post you are responding to. When done with the response blog post, click “Add”. Then the response blog post is posted.

The Week 3 Assignment – Organ Systems [Website Recommendation] Blog is worth a potential total maximum of 100 points and there are two components: (1) Part 1: your initial blog post, 150 words minimum, discussing a credible and reliable, scientific website (10 points maximum) that augments what you have already learned about that particular Organ System. The initial blog post will be scored on topic (10 points), grammar and spelling (10 points), content and discussion of the organ system (30 points maximum), usefulness of the website (10 points maximum), submitted on a different day than Part 2 (5 points) and meeting the minimum blog post length of 150 words (5 points) (2) Part 2: response blog post to a fellow classmate and it will be scored on grammar and spelling (2.5 points), content and discussion of what was learned about the organ system from the blog post and/or visiting the website and resource (15 points maximum) and meeting the minimum blog post length of 100 words (2.5 points maximum).


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