Biology – Ecology lab , homework


INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: Animal Behavior Results (20 pts)

Instructions: This assignment is due before the start of class next week. It must be completed individually. Do

not share your work with any other student! Submit as a Word document or PDF through Canvas.

Important: Review the follow-up questions before completing this assignment. You are expected to have a solid understanding of concepts and command of key terms. This should be reflected in your answers to the following tasks.

Pick ONE of the experiments you completed today: Light OR Temperature. Then complete the following tasks.

Task #1. Make a figure for your experiment that would be included in the results section of a scientific paper. Your figure should include labeled axes and an appropriate caption. Copy/Paste this figure into your document; do not use a screen shot. Instructions for how to make graphs is provided in Appendix D.

Task #2. Provide a table showing the results from your statistical analysis. This should be appropriate for inclusion in a results section of a scientific paper. Remember, do not report raw data.


Task #3. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) describing the results you observed in the experiment that

would be appropriate to include in the results section of a scientific paper. Refer to the instructions

provided in the Scientific Writing section of Lab I for instructions on suitable content.

Ideas to consider:

What happned during the experiment? Were there any noticeable trends or patterns in the data?

⚫ What were the statistical results from the experiment?

Task #4. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) appropriate for the discussion section of a scientific paper. This section should explain how and why you got the results, and their broader implications. Refer to the instructions provided in the Scientific Writing section of Lab I for instructions on suitable content.

Ideas to consider:

Did the results reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Why.

Did the behaviors observed in the pill bugs reflect a response that would increase their chance of survival? (Would these be considered an adaptation?)

What does this tell you about animals and natural selection?

• What kind of experiment would you conduct to build onto this knowledge?


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